Below you will find a list of our most frequently asked questions. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for make sure to check our support guides. Otherwise, you can contact us at support@cloudbharat.in.
Once you purchase your DID number it’s activated immediately. There may be a delay for certain countries where extra verification is required.
You can choose your DID number from the online shopping cart,and it will be instantly activated after your purchase.
SIP Trunks can work with a SIP-based IPPBX.
Yes, a notification is received by the source email address.
Call detail reports (CDR) are stored in live format for 90 days.
Absolutely. The user can transfer a call to an external number. The users can also set automatic transfers from their IP phone to an external number.
We always route the call to your closest telephony data center to ensure voice quality.
None at all. It’s almost like sending an email.
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